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Terms of Use


1. Prohibited items


Safety and security of our community are of our prior concern. Thus, below is a non-exclusive list of goods, services, and content users are prohibited from advertising:


⁍ Weapons, explosive substances or any materials that can be used to commit crimes such as knives, arrows, or any sharp materials that are intended to harm others 

⁍ Adult materials and pornography

⁍ Illegal gambling materials 

⁍ Drugs, alcohol, tobacco and other sedatives that are harmful 

⁍ Hazardous materials that are banned by the authority

⁍ Deceptive or fraudulent contents

⁍ Offensive and defamatory contents 

⁍ Unauthorized government documents that are sensitive to the safety and security of the country and other personal documents such as ID cards, passports and other legal documents that are strictly personal 

⁍ Stolen materials and or services with fake and false claims

⁍ Any item, service, product, or other content that violates any applicable law, or such that it infringes on a right of another. 


DirectMerkato.com, at its sole discretion, may delete ads for any reason. As a user of DirectMerkato.com, you may flag any posts you see it offensive or prohibited as stated above using the alert button of each ads page or by directly writing to us using our contact form.



2. Use of Website
Except indicated otherwise on this web site (www.directmerkato.com), you may view, print, copy, and distribute documents found on this web site subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) the document may be used solely for informational, personal, non-commercial purposes; (b) any copy of the document or portion thereof must include all copyright and proprietary notices in the same form and manner as on the original;(c) the document may not be modified in any way; (d) DirectMerkato.com reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued immediately upon notice.

Documents specified above do not include the layout or design of this web site. Elements of this web site are protected by trade dress or other laws and may not be imitated or reproduced in whole or in part. Documents specified above do not include logos, graphics, sounds or images on this web site, which may be reproduced or distributed only when expressly permitted by DirectMerkato.com

3. Warranties and Disclaimers
The website and software are supplied “AS IS”. DirectMerkato.com disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the website and software. DirectMerkato.com assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the website and software, even if DirectMerkato.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


4. Linking to Direct Merkato Website
DirectMerkato.com permits anyone to link to DirectMerkato.com website. However, a website that links to DirectMerkato.com website: (a) may link to, but not replicate, content contained in DirectMerkato.com website; (b) must not create a border environment, frame, or browser around content contained in DirectMerkato.com website; (c) must not present misleading or false information about DirectMerkato.com services or products; (d) must not imply that DirectMerkato.com is endorsing or sponsoring the linker or the linkers’ services or products; (e) must not use DirectMerkato.com logos or website design without prior written permission from DirectMerkato.com; (f) must not contain content that could be construed as obscene, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, or inappropriate for all ages; (g) must not contain materials that would violate any laws; (h) must agree that the link may be removed at any time upon DirectMerkato.com’s request.


5. Links to Third-party Websites
DirectMerkato.com website may provide links to third-party websites, which are not under the control of DirectMerkato.com. DirectMerkato.com makes no representations about third-party websites. When you access a non-Direct Merkato web site, you do so at your own risk. DirectMerkato.com is not responsible for the reliability of any data, opinions, advice, or statements made on third-party web sites.